Monday, January 21, 2013

Just Chillin'

When our high temperature today reached 4 degrees -- and that was just after midnight last night -- I had no motivation to get out from under my warm covers this morning! And you know what? I didn't have to.

Sadly, both hubby and Carter did. Carter had school as usual and Jim had to go to work since he has a lot to get done before all of his upcoming business travel. I almost felt bad for him today until I saw him cleaning off his golf clubs later. It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it. And yes, I am just jealous that "somebody" is not me.

I did get out of bed by 8:30 and eased into my morning routine with breakfast, plenty of a hot coffee and a hot movie. Sort of. Magic Mike does have a male stripper or 2 (or 3, but who's counting?) in it, but I was mainly interested in the story line. Of course. I suppose I should feel a little guilty that I was watching that instead of the presidential inauguration.

But I didn't.

After that movie was done it was down to the Scrap Cave for a few hours. I am making progress! Frankly, I could use a whole week off! I did do some multi-tasking later, sorting through a pile of scrapping paper while watching another movie I'd rented -- Love & Other Drugs. Yes, I'm about 2 years behind the mainstream!

At least I got through the paper and got it sorted and organized. I called it quits for the day at that point since Jim was home, plus I had to brave the cold to go to Wal-Mart and pick up Carter from after-school weightlifting.

I am happy to be back home now and am going to have one heckuva time getting motivated tomorrow. No, we don't sleep outside or anything but still, knowing it's 15 below zero with windchills at 30 below, it is going to be hard to part ways with my warm bed.

Not my kind of chillin' out!

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