Sunday, January 6, 2013

Off Season

Now that we (as in the Austins) are in the off season, I had no reason to waste my day watching football. Instead I found other ways to waste it.

After such a late night, I was so tired when I got up early today for 8 o'clock church. But I read just fine. Did not stutter or stumble over words even though my tongue was half asleep. When I got home, though, I couldn't fight it any more.

Honestly, I said hello to hubby then laid down and was passed out in 10 seconds. Good thing I set an alarm to get up before noon -- because I was sleeping hard! I actually had to wake up Carter at that point, too, since I was so kind and let him sleep in.

I was only up a half hour when I had to go to the neighbor's down the road for a party. A "girly party," as Jim calls it. In other words, makeovers and expensive skin-care products and makeup. The party itself didn't last long, but I ended up chit-chatting with the hostess and her hubby for a few hours. Got home before dark, though. (Good thing it stays darker a few minutes longer these days.)

Made supper and talked on the phone a bit and that was it. No football. Certainly no running or exercise. But plenty of tasty treats at the party.

For the 6th day this year, I am saying my diet and exercise program starts TOMORROW.

Did you know that technically "tomorrow" never comes? No wonder I'm making no headway in 2013. Perhaps I you just say "Monday." At least that's a good, off-season start!

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