Monday, January 14, 2013

Up a Creek without a Paddle

In case you haven't seen the highlights on ESPN, the ping-pong win record in the Austin basement is Daddy: 91 wins; Carter: 5.

Honestly, he is not playing without a paddle. Daddy, as he had warned us, is just that good.

Of course, I haven't even entered the mix. Then look out!

Just kidding. I am pretty much afraid now of just how embarrassed I'll be.

Case in point: I wanted to just practice "volleying" and Carter started Forrest Gump-ing me like he was playing for the USA Olympic Ping-Pong Team. That didn't last long. And I haven't actually gotten a "real" game under my belt. Maybe I'm a natural.

Right. Just like all my other natural abilities -- certainly none athletic!

I did get to the fitness center and got some running and biking in today. My challenge at home is that I'm not done eating our holiday supply of goodies out of the house. As long as there are spice gum drops and cookies and Peppermint Stick ice cream taunting me from sealed containers, I will not make progress.

So I best make this "Fat Monday" and get this stuff gone! Tomorrow is the first weigh-in at work for a 10-week program to lose 10 pounds. I can't have any of these goodies around to weigh me down, so to speak.

I suppose if I was really committed, I would give the guys permission to paddle me when I cheat! But I would hate to distract them from their game.

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