Thursday, January 17, 2013

Top Ten (or Less)

Some recent highlights that are TOP of mind anyway...

Strangest Overheard Conversation: A woman at the fitness center was explaining to her friend: "Do you know what a Freudian slip is? It's when you say something and it sounds like you mean something else. It was named after a scientist named Freudian." Oh, my college psych professor must be rolling in his grave!

Most Misguided Misconception: Hubby and I stopped at Target to check out their bathroom "accessories" for our someday "new" bathroom. On the way out, I noticed fashion boots on clearance so I had to check those out. Jim (who gave me 2 of my 5 pairs) says, "I would have thought you were over the boot thing by now." Oh honey, I am just getting started! Not really, but I do want some gray ones. Ooooh, and I saw some cool purple ones, too! Now that I know they are on clearance, I may have to browse around this weekend.

Gold Digger: I'm having a "Gold Party" next weekend. If you've never heard of it, the hostess has a gold buyer (jeweler) available in her home so people can drop by and cash in their old or broken or unwanted jewelry. Why would I do this? Well I went to one the other night, managed to have 3 pieces of old stuff qualify as gold and I walked out with $240 in my pocket. That's enough to cover my next scrapbooking weekend! Not a bad night's work for doing nothing. I hadn't worn the stuff in 15 or 20 years so I won't be missing anything. Now I just want other people to have the same opportunity. My party/cash-in date is Sunday, Jan. 27, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Let me know if you are interested. All are welcome to stop by and share in the riches!

Disturbing Sign of Aging: We had a meeting at school tonight to register Carter for his sophomore classes. Yes, sophomore! That's 10th grade! Whoa. The conversation has jumped from ABC to ACT in a few short years, it seems. Does he know what he wants to be when he grows up? Not really. Still wants to use his math skills but isn't sure how. For now, his classes will keep him moving in the right direction. No rush, I say.

Closest Brush with a Head of State: On our way home from registration, we stopped at The Ridges for their regular Thursday night pizza buffet. The parking lot was packed. It wasn't until we got close to the door and saw the two long black cars and a state patrol car still running that we remembered the governor was in town. No, we did not have pizza with Scott Walker. He was in the banquet hall next door speaking at a chamber dinner. Our pizza tasted just fine without the politics.

And That's Final: It's finals week for Carter's first semester of high school. These days -- at our school anyway -- they treat finals just like college. No classes, just testing. There are three 2-hour sessions each day and time for an "off campus" lunch, too. On Wednesday he had 3 finals, today he had 2 and tomorrow he has 1. Then he's done for the day and can come home. Not surprisingly, Carter said, "This may seem weird, but I like finals week. Not because of the tests, but because of the schedule." In other words, Culver's and McDonald's taste better than school lunch. Who can dispute that?

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