Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Chillin' in the New Year

I suppose it's fitting that the high temperature on the first day of 2013 was 13 degrees. Fitting, yes, but b-r-r-r. Stinkin' b-r-r-r! We had icicles on our "icicles"!

It really gave us all the ultimate excuse to chill out (literally) on our final day of vacation. There was no attempt by anyone to leave the house via car or on foot. And, I must confess, the treadmill went unused all day as well. Probably not good to start the new year on that note. But that leaves 364 days for improvement, right?

Since we didn't get home until 1:30 and I was still not sleeping by 2 a.m., it was a late start for all of us anyway. I made some french toast for breakfast and that was the extent of expending any energy. I sat on the couch for 2 hours watching the Rock of Ages movies so I could get a preview of what I'll see LIVE in 4 months. Should be a fun show!

Later, after messing around with a project on the computer, I again chilled out in the living room for too long... watching the Badger lose in the Rose Bowl. I had a few friends out there watching in person. I hope they at least enjoyed the California sun.
They will get a rude awakening when they get back!

Much like we will in the Austin household when the foreign sound of the alarm clock puts a freeze on our vacation in the morning!

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