Sunday, June 26, 2016

Blank Space Sunday

Do you know what this is a picture of? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A completely blank space on the calendar for the first day in, well, forever.

We saw it. And there was much rejoicing.

No obligations for us today. Well kind of. Hubby and I went to church and Carter actually had to work. His choice. He has to get his work done today so he can be off Monday through Thursday for a senior trip to the Dells and camping, etc. No rest for the wicked.

I, on the other hand, could be wicked and restful, if I so choose.

Came home right after church and got my Saturday cleaning chores done. Then I road-tripped to Plover and Stevens Point for some errands and shopping. Had to drop off an old printer for "free" recycling at Best Buy. Then went to Kohl's to buy a bridal shower gift for our neighbor boy's fiance. Looked around there, Christopher & Banks, Target and even Goodwill for something for ME. Can you believe I came home empty handed? Just wanted some summery tops for work and most of today's designs are just ugly, if you ask me. I don't want to throw back to the '70s or the desert southwest look. But that's just me. It might look great on YOU!

Got home and reacquainted myself with Mr. Deck finally! Wow. He was ticked. Have neglected him all summer. Though I pointed out it hasn't technically been summer for even a week, he was having none of it. So I made sure we had an extended date on the back deck. Everybody wins.

At 7:30 p.m., it's still 84 degrees, so I'm not sure when I'll get my walk/run in. To kill time, I have mixed up my dough for mints and am going to make some white and pink roses for the bridal shower on Tuesday. Maybe by the time I knock out a hundred, it will be cool enough to run.

Or just go to bed. I didn't see running on my calendar, did you?

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