Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Race Ready

It seems strange that when the Renaissance Race Against Cancer event started in 2011, I was just a mere participant, wondering if I would ever get a chance to work for the company that started it to remember employees who had lost their battle with cancer.

I also recall that the first time I ran it, I only knew two people personally who had recently battled cancer – and unfortunately lost: my good friend Cindy's husband Rory and my former boss, editor and mentor Karen.

Fast forward 5 years and I am now part of the race community, sort of, working at Renaissance, and sadly know too many people who are fighting this dreaded disease. What I appreciate about this event is that the money raised stays right in our community, supporting the UW Cancer Center Riverview, thus helping people we know.

People you may know, too.

Today as my volunteer part, I helped clean up the race route, picking up trash after work with a handful of other employees. This event takes so many volunteers to make it work, but I wanted to be able to walk it Saturday with Jim so I took a pre-race duty.

Now the course is spic and span and waiting for you. Seriously, you can still sign up! No, I don't get a commission from this. I just believe in the cause and am grateful each day for my own health. Not too difficult to walk a 5K for someone else who can't.

Here's a link to learn more and register: https://www.renaissance.com/rrac/registration.

Let us know if the Austins will see you at the starting line! 

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