Saturday, June 18, 2016

Border Hopping Happenings

Our ongoing tour of graduation parties called for a trip to Minnesota first thing this morning.

My great-nephew Anthony had his Pomp & Circumstance moment last week. Today, we celebrated with him in the Cities.

Knowing we had a second party to get to today for one of Carter's classmates, we arrived at my niece Caryn's house early enough to help set up for the party. That way, we had some quality time there before hitting the highway back to Wisconsin.

Party #1 and my first piece of cake for the day. Ha. They also had a taco bar and plenty of cold drinks since it was 80-plus degrees and humid as heck!

These "boys" may be high school graduates, but I will always be older, maybe a little wiser, and definitely shorter than them! Wow. I should have opted for standing on tippy-toes. That still would only have gotten me up 2 or 3 inches.

It was nice to see family again. My mom was there along with sisters No. 1 and 2, Rayna (right) and Romey, and their spouses.

Sister No. 3, Renell, was the grand graduate grandma today!

I also got to see two nephews and a niece and their spouses, plus my little great-nephew and great-niece. I know my other family members arrived later after we departed. Sorry I missed them but at least I saw them a few weeks ago at Carter's party.

We were back on the road by 3 p.m. and did not push it to attend a party of Carter's classmate Jake that ended at 5 p.m.

So we stopped home quick around 6-ish to change and head over to party #2, less than 5 minutes from home. Macyn is going to UW-Whitewater so Jim changed into his new UW-W shirt Carter gave him a day early for Father's Day. (I've got connections!)

The weather cooled off enough that I was chilly by night's end. But had a lovely time visiting with friends and enjoying my second piece of cake! Did nothing to wear that off, that's for sure! Since it's almost 2 a.m. I am not going to beat the heat and get up early to go running, either.

Let's just establish that Sunday is a day of rest, including Father's Day fun (maybe) and more cake at parties #3 and #4 for the weekend. At least the only border hopping will be the city limits.

I hope that counts as exercise.

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