Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Question: Does a person have to be a household name to be considered talented or gifted?
  • The short answer: No
  • The long answer: No
  • The only answer: No

Next Question: Are you still waiting for your 15 minutes of fame?

H-m-m-m... Am I? Do I need my talents to be validated by the glory of the spotlight or by the glory of God? Do you?

Tonight was our second week of discussing the book If You Want to Walk on Water You've Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg. Our church group discussion, led by the pastor's husband this time, focused on chapter 2: Boat Potatoes.

In a nutshell, or boat hull, "boat potatoes" are people who are staying in the comfort of their "boats" rather than taking a risk by leaving the boat and doing something with their gifts. Like couch potatoes, they may enjoy the comfort or they might not have the energy. Sadly, some people might not think they have any gifts or talents.

You do. We all do.

I know some guys claim they are "God's gift to women." That's not what we're talking about here. We are all God's gift and we all have God's gifts. The question is: Do we use them?

In discussion tonight I said my gift was creativity, primarily through writing. I love it. It brings me joy. Sometimes it brings others joy, too. And hopefully it inspires and educates and entertains as well. That is me sharing my gift.

Can I do more with it? If so, why am I not? What is holding me back? What am I really afraid of? Lots to think about there.

What about you? What's YOUR gift? How are YOU using it?

In this world of self doubt and low self-esteem, you might not recognize your gifts and talents. This might help... God did not give my legs the gift of speed, but I am quick-witted. God did not give my body a perfect figure, but my tongue and vocal chords are exercised often and in tip-top shape. God did not bless me with monetary wealth, but He gave me a wealth of blessings.

See? We've all got talent!

The beauty of God's gift is that it is unique to each person. Don't compare your gift or ability to other's. It doesn't have to be a life-saving skill or worthy of a $7 million athletic contract. It can be your gift of bringing a smile to someone's face, a comforting arm around someone in pain or a helping hand to someone in need. It takes all kinds of gifts to reflect God's love.

Don't worry. There's plenty to go around.

Let's start giving it away.

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