Saturday, June 4, 2016

Rainbow Disconnection

You know we've had too much rain when we have ducks in our backyard! What on earth?

Yes, we technically live on waterfront property, but the Bloody Run Creek isn't ever flowing, so to speak. It might have standing water, but no waves, ripples or rapids. The ducks would have had to swim quite a ways to get to our place with no help from the non-moving water.

Hubby says they have a nest somewhere back there. The backyard is not that big. Lucky no one stepped on or accidentally invaded their privacy during out post-grad party campfire with some 20 people back there on Sunday.

At least the nest is not in the fire ring because that was used. Didn't have time to investigate because there were other things to do.

The rain appeared off and on today, including one partial rainbow to view this evening.

While I couldn't see the full arch of it, I did see and experience some pots of gold today.

One was our church indoor garage sale. Found a few books but more importantly saw a few girlfriends.

Stopped at the bank drive-thru and one of my favorite "daughters" was working and managed to slip two Smarties packets with my cash. M-m-m, sugar! Win-win.

While the baseball games were delayed and rearranged, I did manage to get pictures of three friends' kids in the late morning. Sun was shining and seemed like a perfect day for ball. Another treasure!

Of course, with that 90% chance of rain, you knew it had to hit at some point. And that was when my buddy Aaron was playing in the mid afternoon. So I never did get back to take any more pictures of him. Will have to catch him at another tournament.

This evening, our jackpot was spending time with my BFF and her hubby. They just happened to stop in to drop off a graduation card for Carter when Jim was grilling burgers for supper. We didn't have a whole lot to offer, but they stayed to eat and we enjoyed a leisurely visit. Very nice. Don't see them often enough and definitely not when there is time to just chill. That was great.

Carter had to work this morning, then had two grad parties to go to this afternoon, then worked a short shift this evening. He stopped home long enough to say hello and point out the rainbow. Now he is off with friends again.

Feels like his graduation and party were weeks ago! I thoroughly enjoyed it but it was nice to have an open schedule today where I could let the pots of gold fall where they may.

Nothing to stress over. Now that's a treasure.

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