Friday, June 10, 2016

Calm After the Storm

When you take a walk break at 10 a.m. and the air is already sticky, you know it's going to be a hot and humid day. And it was.

The high was 94 in Wisconsin Rapids anyway. While I took a late lunch break to run an errand around 3 p.m. I heard the emergency signal on the radio. We were under a Tornado Watch until 10 p.m., which basically means the weather gods could be up to anything.

We knew we had a graduation party to attend, but when the sirens started going off shortly after the 5:30 p.m. start time, we decided to wait out the storm at home, then go.

There was definitely plenty of wind, rain and lightning here, but no hail or twisters. I do have friends not too far away that are still without power, however, 4 hours later. Yikes

We went to the party around 7 p.m. and it was still raining. When it got done, the sky turned some crazy colors of pink and yellow. We could see that from inside the garage where we were sitting, but now I wish I would have investigated.

Purely from a photographer's standpoint, that is.

Here is a photo one of our police officers took after the storm, looking across the Wisconsin River. Isn't that awesome?

It's a beautiful thing when the red on the radar transforms into these gorgeous shades of pink!

It's also a beautiful thing to spend an evening with friends in our "Assumption family" who have brought a lot of laughter and love to our lives over the past 6 years. 'Tis the season for grad parties and a whole storm of emotions that may not bring calm for quite sometime.

But we'll weather it together.

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