Tuesday, December 2, 2014

God said to Noah...

If you ever went to Sunday school or Bible Camp, you know that catchy song, "God said to Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody..." Try getting it out of your head once you remember!

Found these words of wisdom today just in time for the stressful holiday season. And really, it doesn't HAVE to be stressful. These are good words of advice for ANY season of your life...

Number 1 is important in any and all situations!

I like number 2 because it reminds me that even if I think other people's lives are perfect, they have their own struggles, too. The grass may just appear greener on their side of the fence. We are all human and all in the same boat.

I think number 4 is important. If something happened and I had to have the strength to take care of someone else, for example, I don't know that I could do that right now. Stay fit physically AND mentally AND spiritually!

Always struggled with number 5. Have always cared too much about what other people think. Should just make sure God is pleased with me... then Mom, hubby, son and so on...

Number 8 is perfect for a wanna-be runner like me. My motto is: You go slow, you go far.

For me, number 9 means sit back and relax and tune in some Hallmark holiday magic! (Maybe with a bowl of ice cream even...)

I often say "stop me before I volunteer," but number 10 is right on the money. So many successful ventures happen because of people with big hearts, not necessarily big resumes. It does take a village sometimes. (And, unfortunately, someone's gotta be the village idiot. I hate when I draw that short straw!)

Amen to number 11. I don't know why I bother asking, "why me?" sometimes. Obviously, it's part of God's plan. It's really none of my business what that plan is. I mean really, do I think I could do better?

Trust me, I've tried. That's why number 7 is important. Always have two arms nearby for a hug of support – or two fists to knock some sense into you. Just know that I am here for each of you... you choose what capacity!

Time to build my "arky, arky..."

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