Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hello, Kitty

Our pretty kitty kind of made me feel guilty today for all my talk about getting a puppy. She's still a diva but such an adorable one.

She has made a routine now of napping on the pile of Santa hats, but I had to move them this morning to vacuum. So I placed them under the tree and put the gifts I wrapped today (while watching a Christmas movie, of course) in our bedroom for safe keeping.

Sylvester found her hats and was just about to take a nap when we got company. Normally she bolts when we have guests – if she's awake. This time, though, she just sat for the longest time looking at us. I realized then I could finally take a decent photo of her.

And she let me! She is definitely on Santa's "NICE" list.

Isn't she gorgeous for a senior citizen? I know we always call her "kitty," but she is over 10 years old, which is 56-ish in human years. She'll always be our pretty kitty, though.

When I saw how cute the picture turned out I figured I could be all set already for next year's Christmas card.

But let's see how long the tree stays standing or if she gets bumped off the Nice list first. Not that we don't trust our princess after all this time.

But she is Sly...

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